Sonntag, 15. August 2010
Emmerdale History
Die wichtigsten Momente der UK Soap Opera
"Emmerdale", bis 1989 bekannt als "Emmerdale Farm", ist eine britische Seifenoper, die seit dem 16. Oktober 1972 auf ITV läuft. Innerhalb der 38 Jahren (und mehr als 5000 Episoden) gab es unzählige dramatische Handlungsabschnitte und zahlreiche aufwendige Desasters, mit der die Serie bekannt wurde. Ursprünglich ging es in der Show um die titelgebende Emmerdale Farm und deren Betreiber der Sugden Familie, mit der Zeit hat sich der Blickwinkel immer mehr auf das Dorf Beckindale verlagert. Um der Veränderung gerecht zu werden, hat man den Titel im November 1989 auf "Emmerdale" verkürzt, innerhalb der Story wurde auch der Name des Dorfes 1994 - nach dem berühmten Flugzeug-Absturz - geändert. Mit der Namensänderung wurde 1989 der Tate Clan eingeführt, der Anfang der 90er zur führenden Familie der Serie wurde und die Sugdens überschattete. Die Tates wurden später verdrängt von den Dingles, die eine zentrale Rolle seit den Mitt-90ern übernahmen, und der King Familie, die bis 2000 eingeführt wurde. In den letzten Jahren wurden diverse neue Familien ergänzt, wie die Bartons und die Wyldes, wobei sich letztere bis Ende des Jahres aufgelöst haben wird! ... Viele der Storylines (u.a. von Aaron Livesy) kann man mit regelmässigen Updates auf YouTube verfolgen.

Hier die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Momente der fast 40jährigen Soap Geschichte. Den Original Text gibt es auf Nathan Wylde Fanpage ...

16-10-1972 Emmerdale Farm Episode 1

30-01-1973 First Emmerdale death: Sharon Crossthwaite raped and murdered

19-02-1980 Clive Hornby joins as Jack Sugden (for 28 years)

22-04-1986 Robert Sugden was born to Jack and Pat Sugden

26-08-1986 Pat Sugden died when she crashed her car down a hill

16-08-1989 Jackie Merrick shot himself while hunting a fox

14-11-1989 „Emmerdale Farm“ turns to „Emmerdale“

??-11-1990 A chemical tanker crashed into a wall in the main street


15-11-1991 Sarah Sugden was kidnapped by Jim Latimer

??-05-1992 The holiday village was opened

??-05-1993 Zoe Tate came out as a lesbian to her father

10-08-1993 Viv Windsor and Vic Windsor`s first episode

30-12-1993 The legendary Plane Crash over Beckindale


31-03-1994 Victoria Sugden was born to Jack and Sarah

07-06-1994 The kidnapping of Viv Windsor and Shirley Turner

09-08-1994 Ben Dingle`s death marked the arrival of the Dingles

11-08-1994 Joe Sugden left for good after 22 years


20-07-1995 Tina Dingle jilted Luke McAllister at the alter

01-08-1995 Luke McAllister crashed his van into a wall


11-04-1996 Nick Bates fired his shotgun blindly in direction of poachers

16-05-1996 Zoe Tate exchanged vows and rings with Emma Nightingale

26-12-1996 Dave Glover died in a fire after attending the wedding of Biff and Linda


27-05-1997 Frank Tate`s heart attack aftter Kim Tate coming back from death

16-10-1997 25th Anniversary: Alex Oakwell crashed the car and left Linda Fowler to die

??-11-1997 Kelly Windsor lost her baby falling down the stairs at Home Farm


18-01-1998 Zak Dingle and Lisa Clegg got married

17-02-1998 The new "village" on the Harewood Estate

20-10-1998 The Woolpack Explosion after being burnt down with fireworks

25-12-1998 The Post Office raid / Vic Windsor`s death

25-12-1998 Lisa Dingle gave birth to Belle


19-01-1999 Kim Tate`s remarkable exit in a helicopter

23-03-1999 Episode 2500 - Paddy Kirk proposed to Mandy Dingle

11-05-1999 Graham Clark threw Rachel Hughes off a cliff

17-09-1999 The Grand Opening of the new Woolpack

11-11-1999 Zoe Tate shot dead Liam Hammond to end the Chris Tate kidnap story

02-12-1999 Jason Kirk appeared on cousin Paddy`s door


18-02-2000 Graham Clark`s car fell over a cliff edge bursting into flames

20-03-2000 A van and a minibus collided in the village / Butch Dingle died

19-09-2000 Salesman Bob Hope arrived in the village

16-11-2000 The stable`s burning and Sarah Sugden`s death

30-11-2000 On Cain`s 26th birthday Zak got known about his paternity


05-02-2001 Bob Hope and  Viv Windsor were married at Hotton register office

19-03-2001 The start of Jack Sugden`s trial for the murder of Sarah

18-04-2001 Bernice Thomas lost her baby

10-09-2001 Jean Strickland killed by a car driven by Marc Reynolds on a night out with friends

07-11-2001 The arrival of the „Soapstars“ family

16-11-2001 Mandy Dingle comes back


16-10-2002 30 Years ED – Wedding day for Paddy and Emily instead of Marlon and Tricia

??-??-2002 The church burnt down by schizophrenic Zoe Tate

22-11-2002 Angie Reynolds died in Cain`s arms


09-01-2003 The Dancing Competition

14-02-2003 Tricia and Marlon`s Wedding

17-09-2003 Chris Tate`s Suicide to frame his wife Charity

??-09-2003 Seth Armstrong left to Australia forever

09-10-2003 Andy Sugden got a half-brother called Daz


01-01-2004 The Woolpack collapse after a storm (10th Anniversary plane crash)

06-02-2004 Tate Haulage got a new driver named Carl King

17-02-2004 Andy Sugden and Katie got married

12-04-2004 Judgement day for Charity in court

10-05-2004 Sadie King had a big entrance for her debut in Emmerdale

18-05-2004 Jack Sugden shot by adoptive son Andy

21-09-2004 Diane Blackstock and Jack Sugden got married


04-01-2005 Charity & Tom Wedding

01-03-2005 Charity`s leaving after the called-off wedding

17-03-2005 Shelly Williams fell overboard from a ferry

30-03-2005 Zak set fire to Cain`s caravan

06-06-2005 Debbie Dingle gives birth to Sarah at the age of 15

28-07-2005 Jimmy and Cain burn Andy’s barn to fake an insurance job

22-09-2005 Home Farm Is Blown Up by Zoe after Scott`s hostage-taking

02-10-2005 Max King`s death after the Sugden brother`s fight

25-12-2005 Daz Eden and Belle Dingle down a mine shaft


24-04-2006 Sam Dingle and Alice Wilson got married

13-07-2006 The Kings River Explosion

22-09-2006 Cain Dingle and Sadie King left after Tom King`s kidnapping

25-12-2006 The murder of Tom King on his wedding night to Rosemary Sinclair


01-02-2007 Billy Hopwood crashed his truck (and Victoria Sugden) into a lake

17-05-2007 Tom King`s Murderer got revealed

25-12-2007 Rosemary King shot herself on the Anniversary of her wedding to Tom King

16-10-2007 Annie`s Cottage was blown up by Victoria Sugden (35th Anniversary)


21-02-2008 Baby Daniel`s Death

22-07-2008 Surrogate mother Katie gave birth to Perdy and Grayson Sinclair`s baby

02-09-2008 Katie Sugden and Matthew King were held hostage by Grayson Sinclair

03-12-2008 The death drama of Shane Doyle

16-12-2008 Matthew King crashed a van into a wall after trying to run over his brother Carl

25-12-2008 Victoria Sugden fell through the ice on the frozen lake at Home Farm


27-01-2009 Debbie Dingle arrested for the murder of Shane Doyle

10-02-2009 Jack Sugden`s Funeral (after Clive Hornby died 2008)

24-04-2009 Daz Eden was forced to leave Emmerdale

29-04-2009 Cain Dingle returned to Emmerdale

17-07-2009 The Bartons took over the Sugden farm

23-07-2009 A vintage car hurtled through the village and careered into Farm Shop

13-08-2009 Lexi took baby Angelica up on to the hospital roof (Realtime EP)

20-08-2009 John Barton locked Aaron Livesy in a stable

08-10-2009 Aaron cut the brake pipe of Carl King`s car

12-11-2009 Sally Spode burnt down the church with Laurel Thomas trapped inside

01-10-2009 Charity`s wedding and her return to the show

10-12-2009 Aaron tried to kiss Adam after a run-off-road collision


14-01-2010 The Wylde Revelation and Mark`s Murder

15-02-2010 The reason for the chemical spill got revealed

11-03-2010 Cain surprised Charity with a wedding

25-03-2010 Aaron`s Coming Out to Paddy after attacking him

02-04-2010 Lauren and Sally battled on the balcony

03-05-2010 Nathan Wylde returned to Emmerdale

13-05-2010 Aaron forced to come out within his day in court

26-07-2010 Shadrach has died / Mark`s body got found in the woods

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